When I Am an Old Man…

Dan Kunz


When I am an old man I shall drink chocolate milk.  Does my new mantra sound familiar?  For a few of you who are aware of Jenny Joseph’s poem, “Warning”, it might.  Written in 1961, the poem has become an anthem for people who have reached “senior citizen” status.  It begins with the lines,


“When I am an old woman I shall wear purple

With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.”


The point of the poem is to enjoy things in old age which may not have been the case when one was younger – when you get old, you can do as you please.  Maybe at a younger age doing or having certain things wasn’t expedient or it was too expensive.  We have lots of reasons for limiting or denying ourselves or feeling guilty when we don’t.


As I was a little boy, chocolate milk was a “treat”, reserved for special occasions.  I’m not sure why, but I’m guessing that it may have cost a little more than regular milk.  Also, it contained chocolate, so, of course, it was kind of like candy.  Did anyone else have a similar experience?  Even now, I am somewhat surprised when one of our grandkids has chocolate milk with a “regular meal”!  After all, aren’t contentment and moderation considered worthy goals for us, as Christians, to pursue?  Indulgence, which the poem celebrates, isn’t good, is it?  Let’s look at that a little bit.


When God created the world, he didn’t just make it functional.  He made it beautiful and opulent as well.  Adam and Eve had the most amazing home anyone can imagine.  Although sin has certainly tainted that home (which we inherited), the visual delight and abundance which the earth offers shows the Creator’s love for us.  Just as we always have chocolate milk in the refrigerator for the grandkids when they come over, God has stocked our home with incredible gifts for us to enjoy, and not just when we get old!  At this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, the stunning sight of trees clothed in gold, yellow, red, and orange is on full display.   Truth be told, most of our breakfast, lunch, and dinner tables probably have wholesome and tasty food on a regular basis.  It’s okay to be content with what you have and do all things in moderation, but it’s also okay to take a break from whatever you are doing and enjoy a crisp autumn morning and the glories of creation.  It’s okay to live in a home which has nice furniture.  It’s okay to eat dessert first!


Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

God’s Word encourages us to partake of the best which our Heavenly Father has to offer.  We know he has plans to someday take us to the home he has prepared for us.  He sent his Son, our Savior, into the world for that very reason, to live a perfect life and die a perfect death to purchase our admission ticket.  If this is our future, it makes sense that God would give us a foretaste of those blessings now, to whet our appetite for the things to come.  We are the children of the King!  He wants us to enjoy the experience now, and even more so when we are with him in heaven.  I don’t know about wearing purple, but when I am an old man I shall drink chocolate milk.  When I’m in heaven, I shall always drink chocolate milk!

Daniel Kunz